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Preparatory market consultations as one of the goals of the project

Starting in March 2020, a project entitled “Responsible Public Procurement” was launched at the Public Procurement Office, implemented under the “Good Governance, Responsible Institutions, Transparency / Cross-Border Cooperation” program, co-financed by the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area and Norway and the Slovak state budget.

Section 25 (1) Public Procurement Act

Before commencing a public procurement procedure, the contracting authority or contracting entity may undertake market consultations for the purposes of its preparation and the information of economic operators about the planned public procurement procedure. For such a purpose, the contracting authority or contracting entity may especially request advice or receive advice from independent experts, independent institutions or market participants, which may be used in planning and conducting the public procurement procedure, provided that such advice does not distort economic competition and does not breach the principle of non-discrimination and the principle of transparency.

One of the basic goals of the project is also to educate contracting authorities and contracting entities about the possibilities and to guide in the correct use of the institute of the preparatory market consultations.

As a team, we understand that in order for our work to be useful, it must be based on the real needs of the people for whom it is intended. In connection with the above, we plan to actively participate in the preparatory market consultations of the contracting authorities and contracting entities, so that we can adapt the content of the intended outputs and materials, as far as possible, to their needs.